الاثنين، 12 سبتمبر 2022

Dareen Barbar - Basma | دارين بربر - بصمة

Dareen Barbar - Basma | دارين بربر - بصمة
*Credits* Produced mixed and mastered: Elie Barbar Lyricist: Cham3oun Composer: Anthony Nemnoum Director: Elie El Semaan *Follow Dareen Barbar* https://ift.tt/4VC17Jd https://ift.tt/uHIfb5v https://ift.tt/hmARxpZ https://ift.tt/o2UFLQj https://twitter.com/Dareenbarbar We all pass through difficult times, where we feel hopeless and want to give up. We can't find our purpose for living and we think that it will never be over. Bad times last for a while and they are there to make us stronger and help us gain a new perspective on life. Not long ago, I realised that when we lose something we gain a lot of things but only if we change the way we look at bad experiences. When I decided to share my story with the world 9 years ago, and I saw how many people I helped and inspired, and the things I achieved, it helped me believe more in my powers to overcome anything and do anything I put my mind into. Through these years I have helped a lot of cancer patients and their relatives by sharing my experience with them. I received a lot of messages from mothers who have children battling cancer or struggling with amputations. Last year, I received a message from a mother whose 9 years old daughter lost her leg to cancer, and she shared with me how I became a role model for her daughter. So, I got inspired and decided to create this song that tells my story because I wanted to help anyone who is struggling physically or emotionally to not give up no matter what. #DareenBarbar #Basma

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